We invite you to submit monologues, short plays, or theater pieces for "100 DAYS", a project exploring the dynamic interplay of characters impacted by the unfolding political landscape.
We’re seeking submissions that reflect diverse points of view, with characters representing all sides of the political spectrum: Red, Blue, Green, progressives, conservatives, independents, first-time voters, and even those who have shifted their political affiliations. All perspectives are welcome, and we encourage nuanced and authentic portrayals.
This is your opportunity to reflect on themes of power, politics, resilience, and hope in response to today’s reality. Whether your focus is deeply personal or broadly societal, we want your stories, your perspectives, and your truths.
Submissions are due by February 15 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Selected works will be presented in a 90 minute staged reading In Chicago at Open Space Arts in Uptown on April 30 — the 100th day of the new administration.
Additional performances may be scheduled for other venues and cities.
Playwright Power empowers playwrights to spark change and inspire dialogue through impactful theatrical works. We create a platform for exploring democracy, justice, and the human experience, fostering conversations that drive progress.
Our inaugural project is "100 DAYS". a tapestry of short theater pieces scheduled for presentation in spring 2025.
Please reach us at playwrightpower@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
PlaywrightPower welcomes submissions from both emerging and experienced playwrights. Submissions are reviewed anonymously, ensuring that the sole focus is on the quality of the work.
If your play is selected to be included, we will then ask for a short bio and headshot and use that in publicity materials for the project.
Find out more at writopialab.com.
Pendng the results of the first round this winter, we anticipate holding additional rounds in 2025.
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